welcome to ellie page
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view farm
remove bush
click on a bush with no
berries to dig it up
water bush
click on a bush to water it
watered bushes grow berries 20% faster!
binky bush
cost: free
berry price: 1
soil xp: 1
berry time: 5m
lifespan: 1h
googus bush
cost: 8
berry price: 6
soil xp: 5
berry time: 20m
lifespan: 3h
snood bush
cost: 50
berry price: 2
soil xp: 2
berry time: 2m
lifespan: 2h
bungus bush
cost: 222
berry price: 40
soil xp: 20
berry time: 1h
lifespan: 15h
snudge bush
cost: 1100
berry price: 155
soil xp: 15
berry time: 8m
lifespan: 45m
hello i am inky welcome to my barn!!!